Thank you for stopping by the official CCB Pro 1 web page, as you are just in time to hear the great news!!!... CCB Production has become one of the leading media production companies in Baton Rouge, Louisiana and surrounding areas... With the motto and company head line title " Bring Vision to Life ", CCB Production does just that... From Weddings, to Concerts, movie shootings, Live plays, commercials, Music Videos, Outreach and ministry events, to Photography... CCB Production does it all and leads in quality, integrity, loyalty and hard work for the customer... Not only that, but CCB Production also has the cheapest prices you will ever hear of or find for any job such as these... Booking and working along side the CCB staff and crew, will be the best decision and business partnership move you would ever make... Like our motto says, We bring vision to life... CCB also operates in advertising and promotion for independent musical talents, ministries and label companies... For more information on how to contact us for further details, please click the contact button at the top of this home page... Once again, Thank you for visiting the CCBPro1 web siting page, and we are looking forward to working with you on bringing your vision to life very soon... Take care and have a bless day in our Lord, Shalom

Jesus Muzik Dynasty (LLC) (JMD) is an independent Christian Recording Company Label based out of Baton Rouge, Louisiana. JMD is an independent company that helps independent Christian artist in the genre of gospel Rap, Pop and Soul music, reach the next level of musicianship in the gospel music industry. JMD is the partner and Mother brand for CCB Production and Promotion Company. JMD is ran and was founded by an Louisiana native and young brother in the Lord Chris Smith, who has been around and in the music industry since 2009. With his love for music and his vision to see the gospel of Jesus Christ heard throughout the world, brother Chris started Jesus Muzik Dynasty Recording Label, to assure himself that he was going to make a difference in music that had meaning and stood for Christ and the gospel alone. Today, we see the hand of the Lord raising JMD to new levels of awakening through music, and connections that could only be made by the Lord himself. The vision for JMD is to help many indie artist/worshippers reach a platform that will show forth the love of Jesus and see millions of souls saved for the glory of God.

We are very grateful and honored for Christian Life Magazine, selecting our very own, Chris Christ Child as their 2017 August edition featured artist cover story. Christian Life Magazine is located in Baton Rouge, Louisiana and reaches more than 40,000 lives each month for the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. You can find out more about Christian Life Magazine by visiting their web site at batonrougechristianlifemagazine.com